Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tom Decker, Author of ”When Can You Do It?” A Process For In-Home Sales

Tom Decker, author of "When Can You Do It?", a sales process for home service professionals joins Jim Klauck on this episode of Bring On Success.
Tom wrote the book - When Can You Dot It: When Can You Do It?. Get It On Amazon Here!
By following Tom's "When Can You Do It?" Sales Process you will learn and understand how to WOW your customers, how to make them see that you are offering is superior to anything your competition may have. You will se you ticket average, your closing rate, your commissions, and your bottom line increase exponentially. Being the best in-home salesperson in your company is within your grasp. You just need the right process. When Can You Do It? is that process.
To contact Tom Decker you can email him- tom@theatticdepot.com
Enjoy the show!